My 20 month old nephew has more energy than me.
Everyone is affected by chemotherapy differently. I am suffering with tiredness and sickness, oh not to mention the glorious heartburn. That's just an added bonus. I am restless all the time. I sit down for 5 minutes and I am on edge, so I get up and do something and then I need to sit down again because I need a rest. If I were playing musical chairs I'd be winning right now.
I have the body of a 90 year old and the mind of a 25 year old! All I've wanted to do is sit in the bath!
Today I do feel better. It has been 4 days since my second dose and I am up and about. I hit the gym this morning. I'm trying to reboot my energy. I have people coming over later so I want to feel fresh and not pass out between my Cous Cous and burgers!
I am off the second lot of meds. No funny side effects. I'm not seeing ghosts or talking to myself(well no more than usual) and I still do not have the dreaded moon face!!
I am also taking lifemel honey recommended by a lovely lady Kimberley. It was a steal at £40 for a pot so small I couldn't find it in my cupboard. I take 2 teaspoons twice a day. Yummy. It's supposed to help with my white blood count to get rid of infections. At that price I wanna be running a marathon!
I may have a glass of cider later. Water is starting to taste like tar. It is not quenching my thirst one bit. I do have coconut water but no one tells you it tastes like urine. Maybe it's just my taste buds though.
I will get better I know. I just hate feeling like an ill person.
I am getting used to the new hair. I am putting my wig on and scarves. The wig will be fully ready on Tuesday.
I am wearing all my Hermes. Trying to co-ordinate my attire, although when they're vintage they pretty much go with anything!
I used the cold cap again. It was my very witty Dr, Dr Laing. He said that I should preserve my 90's grade 2 hair cut so it'll be easier to grow my hair back when it's all over. I agreed to I will continue to use it.
Yes I know I look like a total prat, laugh away! But if I get to keep my roots then so be it. Tour de France I'm coming for you!!
All in all I've realised that things could be worse. A lovely lady sat next to me in the chemo lounge as I like to call it. She was chatting away telling me she was as healthy as ever and she had been struck down with terminal cancer. Her husband was so shocked he passed out in the doctors surgery for 2 1/2 hours. They were so worried about him. She just laughed.
'Bless men,' she said.
I wanted to hug her there and then.
Yes things could be a lot worse. 3 months of tiredness or no life at all. I know which one I choose every time. Life is just too fun to miss.