About Me

So I know I have given you a slight introduction to me but I thought I would elaborate.  Sometimes it's nice to feel as if you know someone a bit better and as you lovely people are taking the time out of your day to read my blog it is only fair to share a bit more about myself.

So you all know I have cancer or Clive as I like to name him.  But how did I get here?  Well that is a long story.  I wont bore you I will just give you the basics.

I have always been rather mouthy and opinionated but never really been that confident.  On the outside yes, but not the inside.  I used to write to help me deal with anxieties, friends, boyfriends, everything would inspire me to write.  I always had a diary.  Somewhere to get lost in thought.  I look back now and think, my goodness, I had some issues!

In my 20's I never knew who I was, what I wanted, where I was going.  I just knew where I wanted to end up.  Happy. 

Now I'm in my early 30's I am.  I know exactly how to get what I want.  I simply ask, believe and I will receive.  (I also am a hard worker so that helps.)

Now I am dealing with having Clive. I checked my breasts found a lump and went to the doctors. 

They say God only gives you what you can handle.  I guess he knows I am one tough cookie. Clive picked the wrong girl.

I am a proper girls girl.  I love my family.  I love my friends, I love wine and chatting.  I love beauty and makeup.  I love hair and beautiful people(inside and out).  To me personality is key to inner beauty.  I am positive and swear by self help books for a stronger mind.  The secret is my personal favourite. 

I go to the gym 4-5 days a week.  I eat healthy with a small indulgence for naughties and I love life.  Life is a gift.  When we are dealt with a bad hand we deal with it.  This is my bad hand.

Why write a blog?  Well like I said I write everything down.  This is no different.  I wanted to share my journey with you and hopefully make you laugh along the way.  The ups and downs, the trials and tribulations of having cancer and letting people battling through it know that you are not alone.  We are all in this together.

My friends and I have started a foundation called Be Bald Be Beautiful to help raise awareness about breast cancer in younger girls.  We will raise money for breakthrough breast cancer and cancer research uk.  We will also raise money for smaller charities too.  Our first charity ball will be at Wentworth Golf Club on the 8th November.

I do hope you all enjoy my blog posts and follow my journey.  Unfortunately breast cancer is affecting 1 in 8 women and it doesn't care who you are, how healthy you are or your age!


1 comment:

  1. Do a search "pineapple bromelaine" ...it takes a fairly high dose to have some effect (non allergic to the stuff) but some have found good results, please look into it.


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